Orange candy, ghoulish costumes, and animated props can be found almost everywhere - Halloween season is upon us! Safety tips are plentiful as schools and law enforcement share important guidelines on keeping you and your kids safe during the festivities. Similarly, we at Platinum Systems would like to share some helpful tips on keeping your business protected from spooky viruses and malicious ransomware. Step into your costume and grab a treat bag as we review the top five things you can do to help prevent hackers from haunting your business network!
Data Backup and Disaster Recovery
The single most important thing a business can do is to activate a Data Backup and Disaster Recovery solution such as Platinum Systems’ PtCB – Online Backup solution. We can’t stress this enough since ransomware, such as the infamous Cryptolocker, can encrypt files and folders on local drives by simply opening an attachment and spreading to shared storage drives and other accessible systems. Cyber criminals also take advantage of seeding legitimate websites through unpatched software. If you have an antiquated tape backup solution, or no solution at all, give us a call at (888) 910-4407.
User Training
There is no one-method or tool for complete protection, which is why it’s important to ensure that employees are aware of the important role they play in keeping an organization’s data safe. Cybersecurity best practice staff training is helpful in keeping everyone vigilant when handling email and utilizing the internet. No matter how relevant an email may seem, always execute caution before opening unsolicited attachments or clicking links too quickly. If it was forwarded to you from a trusted source, double check with the sender prior to opening as well.
Up-To-Date Antivirus and Email Filtering
Setup a strong antivirus program such as AVG CloudCare, and enhanced Email Filtering such as PtMX – Mail Filtering solution, both provided by Platinum Systems. PtMX – Mail Filtering will help prevent spam messages with ransomware/viruses from users by blocking various extensions in attachments. If you don’t have either of these offerings, email quote@platinumsystems.net to request a quote.
Setup Group Policies
Group policies can provide software restrictions that block executables from running in compressed files. This minimizes the risks and damage that ransomware can cause if infected users have full user/group permissions on shared drives and files. Audit file shares and group permissions on a regular basis as well.
Discontinue Older Versions of Internet Explorer
January 12, 2016, Microsoft ended security updates and technical support for Internet Explorer web browser with the exception of the newest version (https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/WindowsForBusiness/End-of-IE-support). Though Internet Explorer 11 is available with security updates and support on Windows 7, 8.1, and 10, running older versions may expose you to potential security and compliance issues, such as spyware, viruses, and malicious software. You might consider utilizing Google’s Chrome browser which provides strong security features and a clean interface. Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Edge browsers also provide fast, secure features to help protect your privacy. If you would like assistance in setting your network default web browser, simply email service@platinumsystems.net to open a service ticket!
Following these important guidelines is a good first step in getting your network on the right track. If you are hit with a virus or ransomware attack, DO NOT PAY the ransom! Instead, contact Platinum Systems right away at (888) 910-4407 to open a service ticket. If you have an up-to-date backup, such as PtCB – Online Backup, you will have quick and efficient options to restoring files.